Job Step SiteExport
Job Step SiteExport
Exports site data.

The DataUnits parameter defines which objects are included in the export. Its function is similar to the Data Units to Export field on the Business Manager Site Import & Export page. The parameter requires a string in JSON format that describes the data to be exported. Units not included in the JSON are not included in the export. The JSON syntax and data unit names are validated when you add the step to the job. If an object name is not found, a log message is written during run time. The following is an example of JSON for DataUnits.

   "export_data_units_configuration" : {
   "sites" : {
        "siteDEMO" : {
            "active_data_feeds": true,
            "cache_settings": true,
            "campaigns_and_promotions": true,
            "content": true,
            "coupons": true,
            "customer_cdn_settings": true,
            "customer_groups": true,
            "custom_objects": true,
            "dynamic_file_resources": true,
            "distributed_commerce_extensions": true,
            "ocapi_settings": true,
            "payment_methods": true,
            "payment_processors": true,
            "redirect_urls": true,
            "search_settings": true,
            "shipping": true,
            "site_descriptor": true,
            "site_preferences": true,
            "static_dynamic_alias_mappings": true,
            "sitemap_settings": true,
            "slots": true,
            "sorting_rules": true,
            "source_codes": true,
            "stores": true,
            "tax": true,
            "url_rules": true,
            "gift_certificates": true
        "otherSiteDEMO" : {
            "all": true
    "libraries" : {
      "libDEMO" : true
    "library_static_resources" : {
      "siteDEMO" : true,
      "sharedLibraryDemo" : true
    "catalogs" : {
      "catalogDEMO" : true
    "catalog_static_resources" : {
      "catalogStaticResDEMO" : true
    "price_books" : {
      "pricebookDEMO" : true
    "inventory_lists" : {
      "all" : true
    "customer_lists" : {
      "siteDEMO" : true
    "assignments" : {
      "assignmentDEMO" : true
    "global_data" : {
        "preferences": true,
        "global_custom_objects": true,
        "job_schedules": true,
        "job_schedules_deprecated": true,
        "meta_data": true,
        "static_resources": true,
        "users": true,
        "access_roles": true,
        "geolocations": true,
        "custom_quota_settings": true,
        "oauth_providers": true,
        "ocapi_settings": true,
        "webdav_client_permissions": true,
        "services": true,
        "csc_settings": true,
        "page_meta_tags": true,
        "price_adjustment_limits": true,
        "csrf_whitelists": true,
        "sorting_rules": true,
        "system_type_definitions": true,
        "custom_types": true,
        "custom_preference_groups": true
  • export_data_units_configuration: Highest level array of the JSON.
  • sites: Site-specific data to export. You can export individual sites by specifying their names, or all sites using the keyword all. You can specify which sub-data units to include in the export, or specify all to include all sub-data units for that site. The sub-data units are:
    • ab_tests
    • active_data_feeds
    • cache_settings
    • campaigns_and_promotions
    • content
    • coupons
    • customer_cdn_settings
    • customer_groups
    • custom_objects
    • distributed_commerce_extensions
    • dynamic_file_resources
    • gift_certificates
    • ocapi_settings
    • payment_methods
    • payment_processors
    • redirect_urls
    • search_settings
    • site_descriptor
    • site_preferences
    • static_dynamic_alias_mappings
    • sitemap_settings
    • slots
    • sorting_rules
    • source_codes
    • stores
    • tax
    • url_rules
  • libraries: Shared libraries. To export only certain libraries, specify the library names. To export all shared libraries, use the keyword all.
  • library_static_resources: Content images of private site libraries or shared libraries. To export the content images of only certain sites, specify the site names. To export content images of shared libraries, specify the shared library names. To export the content images for all sites and shared libraries, use the keyword all.
  • catalogs: Catalogs. To export only certain catalogs, specify the catalog names. To export all catalogs, use the keyword all.
  • catalog_static_resources: Product images. To export only certain product images, specify the catalog names. To export product images of all catalogs, use the keyword all.
  • price_books: Price books. To export only certain price books, specify the price book names. To export all price books, use the keyword all.
  • inventory_lists: Inventory lists. To export only certain inventory lists, specify the inventory list names. To export all inventory lists, use the keyword all.
  • customer_lists: Customer lists. To export the customer lists of only certain sites, specify the site names. 1To export the customer lists for all sites, use the keyword all.
  • assignments: Assignments. To export only certain assignments, specify the assignment names. To export all assignments, use the keyword all.
  • global data: Global data to export. Use the keyword all to include all global units. The global units are:
    • access_roles
    • csc_settings
    • csrf_whitelists: Where possible, we changed noninclusive terms to align with our company value of Equality. Because changing terms in our code can break current implementations, we maintained this object name.
    • custom_preference_groups
    • custom_quota_settings
    • custom_types
    • geolocations
    • global_custom_objects
    • job_schedules
    • job_schedules_deprecated
    • meta_data
    • oauth_providers
    • ocapi_settings
    • page_meta_tags
    • preferences
    • price_adjustment_limits
    • services
    • sorting_rules
    • static_resources
    • system_type_definitions
    • users
    • webdav_client_permissions
Execution Context:
Parallel Execution:
Not Supported
Always execute on restart:
Input Parameters
DataUnits  :  JSONString (Required)
String in JSON format that describes the data to be exported.
ExportFile  :  String (Optional)
Export file name and path relative to 'IMPEX/src/instance'. Required if not using FileNamePrefix.
FileNamePrefix  :  String (Optional)
Prefix for the export file. Can include a path relative to 'IMPEX/src/instance'. The timestamp is appended. To order the files chronologically, sort alphabetically. Required if not using ExportFile.
OverwriteExportFile  :  Boolean (Required)
If selected, the option overwrites an existing file. If not selected and a file exists, the job exits and reports an error.
Default Value: true
SaveOnRealm  :  Boolean (Required)
If selected, the export file will be saved in the global realm directory.
Default Value: false
Exit Status
Export finished successfully.
Export failed.