SFRA Server-side Javascript - Source: app_storefront_base/cartridge/models/search/productSearch.js menu

SFRA / Server-side JS / Source: app_storefront_base/cartridge/models/search/productSearch.js

'use strict';

var collections = require('*/cartridge/scripts/util/collections');
var searchRefinementsFactory = require('*/cartridge/scripts/factories/searchRefinements');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var preferences = require('*/cartridge/config/preferences');
var ProductSortOptions = require('*/cartridge/models/search/productSortOptions');
var urlHelper = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/urlHelpers');

var ACTION_ENDPOINT = 'Search-Show';
var ACTION_ENDPOINT_AJAX = 'Search-ShowAjax';
var DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = preferences.defaultPageSize ? preferences.defaultPageSize : 12;

 * Generates URL that removes refinements, essentially resetting search criteria
 * @param {dw.catalog.ProductSearchModel} search - Product search object
 * @param {Object} httpParams - Query params
 * @param {string} [httpParams.q] - Search keywords
 * @param {string} [httpParams.cgid] - Category ID
 * @return {string} - URL to reset query to original search
function getResetLink(search, httpParams) {
    return search.categorySearch
        ? URLUtils.url(ACTION_ENDPOINT_AJAX, 'cgid', httpParams.cgid)
        : URLUtils.url(ACTION_ENDPOINT_AJAX, 'q', httpParams.q);

 * Retrieves search refinements
 * @param {dw.catalog.ProductSearchModel} productSearch - Product search object
 * @param {dw.catalog.ProductSearchRefinements} refinements - Search refinements
 * @param {ArrayList.<dw.catalog.ProductSearchRefinementDefinition>} refinementDefinitions - List of
 *     product serach refinement definitions
 * @return {Refinement[]} - List of parsed refinements
function getRefinements(productSearch, refinements, refinementDefinitions) {
    return, function (definition) {
        var refinementValues = refinements.getAllRefinementValues(definition);
        var values = searchRefinementsFactory.get(productSearch, definition, refinementValues);

        return {
            displayName: definition.displayName,
            isCategoryRefinement: definition.categoryRefinement,
            isAttributeRefinement: definition.attributeRefinement,
            isPriceRefinement: definition.priceRefinement,
            isPromotionRefinement: definition.promotionRefinement,
            values: values

 * Returns the refinement values that have been selected
 * @param {Array.<CategoryRefinementValue|AttributeRefinementValue|PriceRefinementValue>}
 *     refinements - List of all relevant refinements for this search
 * @return {Object[]} - List of selected filters
function getSelectedFilters(refinements) {
    var selectedFilters = [];
    var selectedValues = [];

    refinements.forEach(function (refinement) {
        selectedValues = refinement.values.filter(function (value) { return value.selected; });
        if (selectedValues.length) {
            selectedFilters.push.apply(selectedFilters, selectedValues);

    return selectedFilters;

 * Configures and returns a PagingModel instance
 * @param {dw.util.Iterator} productHits - Iterator for product search results
 * @param {number} count - Number of products in search results
 * @param {number} pageSize - Number of products to display
 * @param {number} startIndex - Beginning index value
 * @return {dw.web.PagingModel} - PagingModel instance
function getPagingModel(productHits, count, pageSize, startIndex) {
    var PagingModel = require('dw/web/PagingModel');
    var paging = new PagingModel(productHits, count);

    paging.setStart(startIndex || 0);
    paging.setPageSize(pageSize || DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);

    return paging;

 * Generates URL for [Show] More button
 * @param {dw.catalog.ProductSearchModel} productSearch - Product search object
 * @param {Object} httpParams - HTTP query parameters
 * @return {string} - More button URL
function getShowMoreUrl(productSearch, httpParams) {
    var showMoreEndpoint = 'Search-UpdateGrid';
    var currentStart = httpParams.start || 0;
    var pageSize = || DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
    var hitsCount = productSearch.count;
    var nextStart;

    var paging = getPagingModel(

    if (pageSize >= hitsCount) {
        return '';
    } else if (pageSize > DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) {
        nextStart = pageSize;
    } else {
        var endIdx = paging.getEnd();
        nextStart = endIdx + 1 < hitsCount ? endIdx + 1 : null;

        if (!nextStart) {
            return '';


    var baseUrl = productSearch.url(showMoreEndpoint);
    var finalUrl = paging.appendPaging(baseUrl);
    return finalUrl;

 * Forms a URL that can be used as a permalink with filters, sort, and page size preserved
 * @param {dw.catalog.ProductSearchModel} productSearch - Product search object
 * @param {number} pageSize - 'sz' query param
 * @param {number} startIdx - 'start' query param
 * @return {string} - Permalink URL
function getPermalink(productSearch, pageSize, startIdx) {
    var showMoreEndpoint = 'Search-Show';
    var params = { start: '0', sz: pageSize + startIdx };
    var url = productSearch.url(showMoreEndpoint).toString();
    var appended = urlHelper.appendQueryParams(url, params).toString();
    return appended;

 * Compile a list of relevant suggested phrases
 * @param {dw.util.Iterator.<dw.suggest.SuggestedPhrase>} suggestedPhrases - Iterator to retrieve suggestedPhrases
 * @return {SuggestedPhrase[]} - Array of suggested phrases
function getPhrases(suggestedPhrases) {
    var phrase = null;
    var phrases = [];

    while (suggestedPhrases.hasNext()) {
        phrase =;
            value: phrase.phrase,
            url: URLUtils.url(ACTION_ENDPOINT, 'q', phrase.phrase)
    return phrases;

 * @constructor
 * @classdesc ProductSearch class
 * @param {dw.catalog.ProductSearchModel} productSearch - Product search object
 * @param {Object} httpParams - HTTP query parameters
 * @param {string} sortingRule - Sorting option rule ID
 * @param {dw.util.ArrayList.<dw.catalog.SortingOption>} sortingOptions - Options to sort search
 *     results
 * @param {dw.catalog.Category} rootCategory - Search result's root category if applicable
function ProductSearch(productSearch, httpParams, sortingRule, sortingOptions, rootCategory) {
    var searchHelper = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/searchHelpers');

    this.pageSize = parseInt(, 10) || DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
    this.productSearch = productSearch;
    var startIdx = httpParams.start || 0;
    var paging = getPagingModel(

    var searchSuggestions = productSearch.searchPhraseSuggestions;
    this.isSearchSuggestionsAvailable = searchSuggestions ? searchSuggestions.hasSuggestedPhrases() : false;

    if (this.isSearchSuggestionsAvailable) {
        this.suggestionPhrases = getPhrases(searchSuggestions.suggestedPhrases);

    this.pageNumber = paging.currentPage;
    this.count = productSearch.count;
    this.isCategorySearch = productSearch.categorySearch;
    this.isRefinedCategorySearch = productSearch.refinedCategorySearch;
    this.searchKeywords = productSearch.searchPhrase;

    this.resetLink = getResetLink(productSearch, httpParams);
    this.bannerImageUrl = productSearch.category ? searchHelper.getBannerImageUrl(productSearch.category) : null;
    this.productIds =, function (item) {
        return {
            productID: item.productID,
            productSearchHit: item
    this.productSort = new ProductSortOptions(
    this.showMoreUrl = getShowMoreUrl(productSearch, httpParams);
    this.permalink = getPermalink(
        parseInt(this.pageSize, 10),
        parseInt(startIdx, 10)

    if (productSearch.category) {
        this.category = {
            name: productSearch.category.displayName,
            id: productSearch.category.ID,
            pageTitle: productSearch.category.pageTitle,
            pageDescription: productSearch.category.pageDescription,
            pageKeywords: productSearch.category.pageKeywords
    this.pageMetaTags = productSearch.pageMetaTags;

Object.defineProperty(ProductSearch.prototype, 'refinements', {
    get: function () {
        if (!this.cachedRefinements) {
            this.cachedRefinements = getRefinements(

        return this.cachedRefinements;

Object.defineProperty(ProductSearch.prototype, 'selectedFilters', {
    get: function () {
        return getSelectedFilters(this.refinements);

module.exports = ProductSearch;